Speaker Biography
Hilda Ryan
Hilda was a member of the Forum from 1980 until her recent move to the mountains.
Her Bachelor’s and Master’s study in Piano Pedagogy formed the basis for the principles she has used in her teaching and now shares with other teachers in four books made available just recently from Amazon. She also posts a 2-minute video on one pedagogy topic weekly on her social media which has a following from around the world.
In her new location in the beautiful NC mountains, she continues to do a little teaching and enjoy various playing opportunities in the area.
Hilda was a member of the Forum from 1980 until her recent move to the mountains.
Hilda was a member of the Forum from 1980 until her recent move to the mountains.
Her Bachelor’s and Master’s study in Piano Pedagogy formed the basis for the principles she has used in her teaching and now shares with other teachers in four books made available just recently from Amazon. She also posts a 2-minute video on one pedagogy topic weekly on her social media which has a following from around the world.
In her new location in the beautiful NC mountains, she continues to do a little teaching and enjoy various playing opportunities in the area.
Hilda was a member of the Forum from 1980 until her recent move to the mountains.